
Pro-Cloud BlueLight has expanded!

News, Pro-Cloud BlueLight
SYFRS and Pro-Cloud BlueLight logos
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service has successfully gone live with the Pro-Cloud BlueLight solution. System training was initiated with all management staff and thorough scanning training with the crew to make sure the entire workforce knew how to use Pro-Cloud in their everyday operations. Labelling of appliances is always…

World Environment Day

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Today is World Environment Day, a day where we take a step back to consider the impact of what we do on the environment. There’s no doubt you’ve heard about climate change and rising sea levels, it’s all a result of how we get by personally and professionally. While reducing…

Official Zebra Business Partner

zebra business partner logo
We are proud to have been given official Zebra Business Partner status. We have always provided hardware to our customers, advising on the best possible options to work with our software solutions. Our newly recognised status identifies our expertise in this area and enables us to promote our Zebra partnership…

What is Telematics?

telematics banner with map
From a one-man band making his rounds around a single city to a fleet of drivers travelling the length and breadth of the country. Your business has the ability to adopt telematics. WHAT IS TELEMATICS? Telematics is the simple solution that can tell you where your van, car or lorry…

Congratulations CDDFRS

county durham and darlington fire engine close up banner
Congratulations to the County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service team on their excellent job at the the 1st extrication competition of the year. The team finished 3rd and Jonathan Robinson won the Incident Commander Award for the day.   The team will be competing again in Derby on…

Durham & Darlington FRS Sponsorship

holmatro cutters in operation
We’re pleased to announce we are sponsoring the County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service for their extrication competitions this year. The competitions showcase the skills of the firefighters so spectators can get an up close view and appreciation of what personnel come up against in road traffic collisions.…

Best Award Ceremony

News, Pro-Cloud BlueLight
CDDFRS being the best awards category banner
We are thrilled to have been asked to sponsor an award for CDDFRS ‘Being the Best’ award ceremony. The event recognises and rewards members of CDDFRS who have made a significant outstanding contribution at work during the previous year. The award ceremony will take place on the 2nd February and…

GS1 Barcoding and the Healthcare Industry

Blog, Pro-Cloud BlueLight
medical operating theatre
GS1 barcoding is the universal language being spoken across the healthcare industry. Connecting suppliers and the NHS to critical patient care. Saving lives through open and consistent communication. GS1 are the barcoding standard that has been prevalent for over 40 years. Used in industries such as retail to monitor stock,…