CSS Social Values
This process was updated August 2023.
This document outlines frequently asked questions to CSS on the delivery of their solutions on Social Values.
Frequently Asked Questions |
Do you have an Environmental Policy? | CSS operates from a site in Lichfield, Staffordshire. We recognises that our operations result in emissions to air, water and the generation of waste. CSS adheres to the responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. It is our aim to comply with legislation and we are committed to reducing our environmental impact of our business and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points.
Link to the environmental policy
Do you have an Equal Opportunities Policy? | CSS are committed to promote Equality of Opportunity with the primary aim of providing equality for all and preventing any form of discrimination.
We create an inclusive working environment to maximise the potential of all staff providing equal opportunities in all aspects of employment and avoiding unlawful discrimination at work. We will not tolerate discrimination of employees or third parties who work on CSSâs behalf.
Link to the Equal Opportunities Policy  |
Is there a Health & Safety Policy implemented? | CSS are dedicated to adhering to health and safety procedures within the workplace. CSS provides a safe place, access, systems and safe equipment of work including safe and competent fellow workers and protection from risks of injury.
Within our policy it details our approach to health and safety and explains how we will as an employer manage health and safety in the business.
Link to the health and safety policy
How do CSS manage any Conflicts of Interest within the business? | As part of social values within CSS, we implement the conflicts of interest policy to protect both the company and the individuals involved form any appearance of impropriety. The policy outlines the rules regarding conflict of interest and the responsibilities of employees and the company.
All employees have an obligation to act in the best interest of the company and in accordance with their employment contract. Conflicts of interests may arise where an individualâs personal or family interests and/or loyalties conflict with those of CSS. Link to the conflict of interestâs policy
Is there an Equality Policy at CSS? | CSS are committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination. We adhere to creating a safe and inclusive atmosphere for members of the workplace.
Our aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for all of our employees to feel respected.
The organisation – in providing goods and/or services and/or facilities – is also committed against unlawful discrimination of customers or the public