January - March
- Ordering settings – postcode regions.
- Ordering settings – custom questions.
- Interactive walkthrough setup & reporting.
- Catalogue settings – questionnaires.
- Contract settings – clinic configuration.
- Communications – appointment SMS.
- Communications – letters.
- New group matrix process – including a cloning functionality.
- Reporting access & category setup.
- Ordering settings – response speeds.
To review the way addresses are handled within TCES Community, for the process of creating and editing throughout, whether the address already exists within the contract or not. To also include a direct and simple way to select existing address types specified by the contract, for example, Nursing Homes, Schools etc.
For the system to validate whether the NHS number being added to a service user is a valid NHS number and if it isn’t valid or is a duplicate NHS number, then the user will be alerted to this.
To allow minor adaptation (work codes) to be treated in the same way as products when it comes to deciding which work codes require authorisation. Including the configuration for contract administrations. To also allow the ability to add documents to minor adaptations (work codes) in a similar way to products.
April - June
Additional functionalities for contract administrators within the new configurator looking to include the following modules or any additional enhancements to the following modules:
- PPM management.
A new feature to enhance the usage of custom fields within TCES Community. To allow contract administrators to configure the existing custom fields to have sub-questions or specific questions as a result of another.
To provide the ability to set up catalogue views and links to allow different catalogue views for other teams and users.
July - September
To add the NHS number filter to the duplicate service user search criteria. The NHS number is to be defaulted to ‘no match’ but should be able to search for both ‘no match’ and ‘exact match’.
A change to capture the continuing healthcare periods and any activities that are raised while the service user is under the CHC flag. Allow prescribers to state the start date of the CHC and have the ability to unflag a service user as being under CHC when raising an order with the option to set the CHC end date.
To have it so you can configure what order options will display in relation to repeat or ringback settings depending on the requirements of the contract.
When a CTE has been delivered against a completed order to display the CTE information.
To send an email to the original prescriber when an order has been cancelled.
October - December
Allow contracts to setup a set of rules, triggers and criteria specific to their contract so that service users can not be created or deliveries be created for service users who breach the contracts created set of rules, criteria and triggers.
To bring in the ability to use CTE items within a peripheral store. To allow the replenishment with CTE’s and the issuing out also with a CTE item and correct the stock quantities available.
Provide a functionality for users to upload documentation against a service user record within TCES Community.
A functionality to allow users to search and view information specifically to one Asset ID/EIN.
Allow a setting where contracts can set for automatic account disable after a period of inactivity.
If a service user is marked as deceased and has items on site, and the contract is not utilising the auto-collect process, to show a message to the user advising them to raise a collection for the equipment left on site.
A new XML form type to trigger if the selected item it is linked to is on the order, and any aspect of the order requires authorisation.
The ability to have authorisation on special orders based on the property type.
To allow contract admins the option to set whether to require a loan review period when users are issuing from a peripheral store.
To update the TCES Community login page to reflect the new design. However, to ensure the login process remains unchanged.
To provide contracts that utilise the PPM Management process, the reports within the new reporting section of TCES Community.
In the TCES Community Configurator section, to allow contract comments against products to utilise a simple text editor to format as required.
Approved Features - Pending Schedule
All Features Scheduled
Please Note: This document may be subject to scheduling amendments.