Asset Management for Fire and Rescue Services

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With fire and rescue equipment being subject to wear and tear in intense environments, it’s crucial to have access to important information about each asset in your inventory. Whether that’s the maintenance schedule and service history, the length of time it’s been registered with your organisation, or even the supplier’s information.

fire appliance head onPro-Cloud Public Safety: Fire & Rescue is a fully configured asset tracking software solution built with fire departments in mind. Ranging from equipment maintenance to centralised asset tracking, you can ensure every asset in your inventory is accounted for.

Today we’ll be taking you through the benefits Pro-Cloud Public Safety: Fire & Rescue provides your service.

 Effective Asset Management 

One of the primary benefits of Pro-Cloud Public Safety is how it allows you to centralise all your assets across multiple locations, with access to a comprehensive register of all relevant information which can be as simple or as detailed as you need. This enhanced visibility ensures you can track all your assets across every level of your organisation – making our “Assets and Inventory” module the optimal solution for fire and rescue inventory management.

 Easing Maintenance and Repair 

It’s vital to stay on top of equipment maintenance schedules to ensure strong performance, robust quality control, and maintain an exceptional service. With our ‘Workshop‘ and ‘Tasks & Testing‘ modules you can access the full service history of a registered piece of equipment – including scheduled/required repairs or maintenance.

These repair and maintenance tasks can also be administered ad-hoc, enabling you to maintain a regular schedule while also adopting a more hands-on approach throughout an asset’s entire lifecycle.

 Financial Oversight 

Our equipment tracking solution for fire and rescue services empowers you to take control of your finances and save costs. Our Procurement module provides you with a full view of current, historic, and upcoming purchases, allowing you to track spending trends, make more informed procurement decisions for the future, manage assets through their whole lifecycle, and forecast any potential depreciation.

With this level of visibility, the Pro-Cloud Public Safety solution will ensure your fire and rescue service can effectively track and manage your equipment, costs, and finances.

 Fully Configured & Supported Labelling Solutions 

open fire applianceOne of the most important things you can do to track your fire and rescue equipment effectively is to have a curated hybrid labelling solution, Luckily, we provide that as well.

Our Project Implementation Team will consult with you through every step of the process to see which labels you need. Whether that’s durable tags for equipment that sees a lot of wear and tear, advanced RFID labelling for the assets you have to register and monitor at a moment’s notice, or GS1 barcodes and QR codes.

These solutions will be built around you and your needs, ensuring lightning-fast asset tracking combined with robust and effective asset and equipment identification and classification.

 Reporting & Auditing

Everything we’ve gone over (maintenance and repairs, finance, and equipment tracking and management) can all be reported on and tracked thanks to our Data Visualisation feature. Powered by Microsoft, our reporting feature allows you to generate in-built and bespoke reports and export them in a variety of formats.

Auditing, whether internal or external, is a time-consuming and laborious process and your time is better spent elsewhere. Luckily, Pro-Cloud’s reporting features give you the tools to create reports of historic and current data to expediate auditing procedures.


With each module presenting a solution in itself, their combined efficiency as part of the Pro-Cloud Public Safety solution marks the next step in public safety software.

For more information about how Pro-Cloud Public Safety can benefit your fire and rescue service, contact our Business Development Team

Already using Pro-Cloud Public Safety? Reach out to our Project Delivery Team to learn about additional products and services.

T: 0800 652 0488


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